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Pop-up art gallery at PAPRIKA Mong Kok shop

Homage to old-timey Hong Kong, PAPRIKA has teamed up with local illustrator Alison Hui, transforming our Mongkok shop into a pop-up art gallery.
Inspired by the historic "Cha Chaan Teng", literally meaning ‘tea restaurant’ in Cantonese, Alison has created a vibrant graffiti wall with the most symbolic elements of the historic cafés.

Come for an artistic weekend & be inspired!

Alongside PAPRIKA's SS22 latest arrivals — T-shirts, leather handbags, nylon products and other accesories — are five printed artworks by Alison. Each in various mediums of expression, be it watercolour, photography or collage. Each captures various store signs of the cha chaan teng, they are truly a nostalgic love letter to Hong Kong. You can also listen to her audio tour by scanning the QR codes.


同場發售多款周邊及潮流產品,包括繪本 書籍《香港尋味》(2019) 和明信片,還有 PAPRIKA「百毒不侵」系列尼龍水桶袋、T shirt、奶茶杯套裝、麻質手挽袋等等,喜歡港式文化的話可以看看!



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